
- Johns Hopkins Center for Mind-Body Research

Director: Jennifer Haythornthwaite, MA, Ph.D

Website: http://www.jhsph.edu/research/centers-and-institutes/johns-hopkins-center-for-mind-body-research/

The goal of the CMBR is to develop and nurture the intellectual community of mind-body researchers at Johns Hopkins University.  In order to achieve this goal, the CMBR strives to create a fertile intellectual community that facilitates productive interdisciplinary collaborations in mind-body research and to apply innovative research methodologies to elucidate psychobiological mechanisms linking emotional and cognitive processes with health and illness. 

The CMBR brings together 45 faculty members representing 15 disciplines and having primary faculty appointments in the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Public Health.  In order to foster career development, the CMBR oversees a mentoring and career development program that matches interested mentees to senior mentors.  Funds for innovative pilot studies are available, as are funds for junior faculty development.  In order to expand mind-body research, the CMBR has developed a research infrastructure that includes both people (e.g., behavioral scientists, statisticians, data entry technicians) and materials (e.g., a library of questionnaires and scoring protocols, statistical software, etc).  A monthly seminar program brings trainees and faculty together in discussing and learning about new areas of Mind-Body research and refining conceptualizations and methods used in ongoing projects.  Throughout the year, national experts in key areas are identified and invited to participate in the Visiting Scholars program, which includes formal and informal interactions between CMBR faculty and trainees and these individuals during a 2-day visit to our Center.



Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday, November 30, 2015 08:49:49PM EST by admin.