
-- Newspapers, Newspaper Reference Sources

Newspaper Databases with full text newspapers, and full text searchable:

Australia: Digitized newspapers:

British Library:  “British Newspapers 1800-1900” website is no longer freely available. If you would like to access this content, please contact your local library to enquire about availability of the library version, “19th Century British Library Newspapers”. Johns Hopkins has this database.

Google News (access free): https://news.google.com/nwshp?hl=en&tab=wn&ei=DLWgUtzJCoOhsASX04H4Cw&ved=0CAsQqS4oCA

Newspaper Archive: http://newspaperarchive.com  ; claims 130 million pages of newspapers from the year 1607 to the present; There is a charge for access; NewspaperARCHIVE.com, 855 Wright Bros. Blvd. #2A, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404;   Email: Phone: 888-845-2888 or 2887 (Available at: Library of Michigan, NLM, 

Newspapers.com: http://www.newspapers.com ; 54 million pages in 1,900 newspapers; They charge about $80.00 per year for access;

Oklahoma Historical Society 4,000 newspapers

Online Newpapers of the World: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/  Lists, all currently published newspapers of the world in every country and island, with links to the websites of those newspapers, which often have search engines for prior articles, etc.


Newspaper Directories and Bibliographies (Listings of Currently and/or Formerly published Newspapers):

Newspaper Indexes:

Milner, Anita Cheek, Newspaper Indexes: A Location and Subject Guide for Researchers, Vol. 1, 2, and 3. List all known newspaper indexes for regularly newspapers,past and peresent, published in all fifty states, including etnic, church, and other specialzed newspapers, and tells what libraries hold these indexes. Also Lists indexes of foreign newspapers held at libraries in the US.

Newspaper Union Lists (Lists of Newspapers held by Libraries):

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