
Charles Berlitz

Berlitz, Charles (1914 - 3003)

Links to information about Charles Berlitz:





2014, Jan. 10: I checked ArchivGrid for the papers of Charles Berlitz, and they were not listed. So apparently his papers are still yet to be located and preserved;


From the dust jacket of The Dragon's Triangle (1989), by Charles Berlitz:

Charles Berlitz , author of the Bermuda Triangle and the Dragon’s Triangle, was born in New

York City. He is a graduate of Yale University and a grandson of Maximillian Berlitz, founder of the Berlitz Language  Schools. He speaks twenty-five languages with varying degrees of fluency and is considered one of the fifteen most eminent linguists in the world. His interest in archaeology and underwater exploration led to his writing The Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis. Mr. Berlitz was awarded the Dag Hammarskjold International Prize for Nonfiction. He lives in Florida.




Created by n_villareal. Last Modification: Friday, January 10, 2014 10:55:52AM EST by admin.