
Cold Fusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR), Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions (CANR)


LENR-CANR.ORG: https://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/ This site features a library of papers on LENR, Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, also known as Cold Fusion. (CANR, Chemically Assisted Nuclear Reactions is another term for this phenomenon.) The library includes more than 1,000 original scientific papers reprinted with permission from the authors and publishers. The papers are linked to a bibliography of over 3,500 journal papers, news articles and books about LENR.

Cold Fusion Now http://www.coldfusionnow.org

Cold Fusion Times http://world.std.com/~mica/cft.html

Edmund Storms, Taking the Chill out of Cold Fusion http://home.netcom.com/~storms2/index.html

ENEA – Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment, Cold Fusion research department site In English: http://www.frascati.enea.it/nhe/indEnerex-eng.htm

Infinite Energy Magazine www.infinite-energy.com

International Society for Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, http://www.iscmns.org/index.htm

Japan CF Research Society (English web page)  http://jcfrs.org/indexe.html

Ludwik Kowalski’s Cold Fusion items page http://csam.montclair.edu/~kowalski/cf/index.html

Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project http://www.quantumheat.org

New Energy Times, http://www.newenergytimes.com/

Weird Research, Anomalous Physics, “Cold Fusion” Links http://www.amasci.com/weird/wcf.html

Researchers, Past and Present, on LENR, AKA Cold Fusion:

Beaudette, Charles: author of book: Excess Heat

Fleischmann, Martin:

Pons, Stanley:

Storms, Edmund: author of book, Student Guide to Cold Fusion

Biological LENR:

Dr. JP Biberian

Christopher Bird

Dr. C. Lewis Kervan

Dr. John Mattingly

Links of Value:



1. What is the name of that university in Utah that is housing the archival materials of the various cold fusion researchers?

2. What is the name of the lady who is actively seeking the papers and archives of cold fusion researchers for the above Utah university, and who contacted you?

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday, March 08, 2019 10:10:10AM EST by admin.