
International Spiritualist Federation (Fédération Spirites Internationale)


A Spiritualist organization founded in 1923 with headquarters at Maison des Spirites, 8 Rue Copernic, Paris. Its original presidents were Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Ernest W. Oaten (editor of the journal Two Worlds ). Affiliated associations were formed in Europe (England, France, Germany, Spain, Holland, Belgium, and Switzerland), the Americas (United States, Cuba, Costa Rica, and Mexico), and South Africa. The first International Spiritualist Congress was held at Liège, Belgium, in 1923, followed by four others in 1925, 1928, 1931, and 1934. The organization closed during World War II when France was occupied by the Germans. At the end of the war, the membership reactivated the organization which continues to this day.

Links to information about International Spiritualist Federation (Fédération Spirites Internationale):




Created by popeye. Last Modification: Wednesday, November 19, 2014 02:30:08PM EST by wmeyerzuerpen_edit.