
Master Chunyi Lin

Chunyi Lin is a certified international Qigong Master with a master’s degree in holistic healing. His fluency in numerous Chinese dialects afforded him the rare opportunity to study with many of the most respected Qigong Masters in his native China. He is the founder of Spring Forest Qigong and has taught his techniques to more than 250,000 people through classes or home-learning courses.  His presentation will focus on theimportance of the energy of the heart in healing.

In 2010, two independent research studies, one by doctors from the University of Minnesota and one of the leading medical research centers in the United States, found that Lin’s Spring Forest Qigong techniques are helpful in relieving chronic pain. Master Lin is coauthor of the bestseller, Born A Healer.  He is coauthor with Dr. Nisha Manek of the Mayo clinic of a chapter on Qigong in the medial school textbook, The Texbook of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Second Edition.

The website for Spring Forest Qigong is: http://www.springforestqigong.com/

Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday, January 09, 2015 08:31:50PM EST by admin.