
Nikolai Kozyrev

Kozyrev Mirrors ~ A system for mental transmission of information. (See Rexresearch.com for more details)

Experiments with Time ~ T is scalar energy, produces work and can be generated ! (See Rexresearch.com for more details)

Gravity control type of systems, matter systems and living systems. They are the source of two basic forces of nature,  gravity and antigravity. Both these systems have its origin in light Experimental Study of  possibility to reduce mass and weight Causal Mechanics in Stellar Systems  :Kozyrev and his school showed that all forces are simply different forms of “aether” or zero point energy in motion. Here we see an active source of gravity and straightforward reason why it should exist. We see that every molecule in the entire body of a planet must be sustained by an ongoing flow of “aether” energy


1.   World Science Database, detailed profile of this scientist: 


Created by ybalbas. Last Modification: Friday, July 27, 2018 01:48:08PM EDT by admin.