
Virus Vibrational Rate

On a Wikipedia page titled "Bioelectrical analysis of a specific virus" it is stated that each virus gives off its own unique signature, and that his can be measured. Using vibrational physics along with the latest cellular analysis techniques and the work done in bio-electro/chemical emission, it is possible to isolate and identify an individual virus' vibration rate. Knowing the harmonic resonating frequency of the target cell is key. (ref: Sherri Edwards, SingatureSound). This can be viewed most simply through a quartz crystal Rife microscope, showing each virus to have its own unique color, and thus is own resonant harmonic frequency. This could potentially enable us to shatter the virus only in infected cells, leaving all others alone, somewhat like the soprano shattering the glass with a high C.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Thursday, August 21, 2014 07:15:33PM EDT by admin.