Links to Web pages from Wisewiki

2017-09-27: I have been putting in links from wisewiki pages to various outside Internet website pages for quite some time. But the Internet is notorious for website "coming and going", and I just looked up the average lifespan of a website, and it is 2 years 7 months, so let's call it three years to be charitable. So if you make a link to an outside website from Wisewiki, chances are in 3 years or less, the link will no longer be any good.

So what you have to do if you want to link to a specific article or wen-page, is to PDF it and save it in Google Drive, Mediafire, or Tikiwiki itself, in order to make sure that the links remain active and accurate. I am sure that there are already some of the links from the WISE Digital Library that do not work any more. The library should be for members only in any case.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 06:19:21PM EDT by admin.