People Indexes


The People Indexes include lists of thousands of people worldwide, both current or historically, who have done research on or have an interest in scientific anomalies, unexplained phenomena, alternative and traditional medicine, alternative energy, the paranormal, as well as, legends and unsolved mysteries in science, technology, history and many other fields of knowledge. Some of these lists are categorized by subject, and some are general lists, and the same name may be on more than one list. The "People, Complete Alphabetical Index is meant to have the names of all of the people on the other lists, and is a work in progress.

People, Complete Alphabetical Index

If your name is not onthe Master List or some other subject list, please add it in the appropriate alphabetical position and create a page for yourself. And if you discover a name that has been inadvertently duplicated on a particular list, simply remove the duplication. Also, please add anyone else's name that you know of who you feel should be in this encyclopedia. We want to be as comprehensive as possible, and unlike Wikipedia, we do not require that the person be well know or otherwise "newsworthy."We want to foster and encourage interaction, collaboration, and cooperation among all people with the above interests.

To assist you in your write-ups of pages for people, please include the following information, if known, in the write-up or narrative:

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday, November 05, 2012 09:14:06PM EST by admin.