Potentization, Energizing (Potentize, Energize, )

To potentize something means that you put a specific vibrational information field or IDF into a substance, like water, alcohol, or sugar tablets. This can be done by homepathic methods, radionic methods, Bach flower methods, green laser beams, and other methods. Whatever method is used, the "molecular signature", "information field", "vibrational information field", or "essence" of a substance is transferred to and retained by the physical and molecular structure of water, oil, or other liquid or substance (eg cellular matrix, nucleus, DNA, etc.) that is being potentized. 

There are a number of terms that have been used to refer to this process, including: potentization, energizing, 

The way that homeopathy does this is by mixing some of a physical substance, like sulfur, with alcohol. Then it is shaken vigorously many times and a small portion of this shaken mixture is then diluted with more alcohol and shaken again. A small portion of this would then be taken out and diluted with more alcohol and again shaken and so on. The more it is diluted and shaken, the more potent it becomes. Hence potentized. In a homeopathic substance of the strength 200X, (diluted by tenths), there is not any of the actual physical substance left in the alcohol, but the IDFs remain intact and are highly active.

The SE-5 1000 radionics machine can simulate this effect through a program in the SE-5 1000 software and makes it very simple to place IDFs into other substances. Several manufacturers of homeopathic remedies now use the SE-5 to make their remedies. They have found that they can make them up accurately and freshly, as they need them, and they have a very good shelf life.

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday, September 15, 2018 09:34:18AM EDT by admin.