Professor De Sauer

Bird, Christopher and Peter Tompkins, The Secret Life of Plants, page 317:

“At the University of Heidelberg’s medical school, from which he was

to receive top honors and the gold medal, Abrams met a Professor de

Sauer, who was engaged—many years before Gurwitsch had happened

on “mitogenetic radiation”—in a bizarre series of experiments with

plants. De Sauer told Abrams that, while transplanting onion seedlings,

he had inadvertently left some of the uprooted onions next to those still

growing in one of several flats. Two days later he noticed that the

seedlings growing on the side of the flat next to the dying plants were

different in appearance from those on the opposite side, De Sauer could

not explain the reason for the difference but Abrams was convinced that

the onion roots were emitting some strange form of radiation and linked

this in his mind with the resonance phenomenon behind Caruso’s voice-

shattered glass.”

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