Rotations of Rotations or Rotations, etc.

Noted and Observations:

2017-09-27: I have often wondered what effect would be created if yoy took a rotating coil in a field that was creating electricity, and then rotated that at right angles to the ration of the first rotating coil, and then rotated the second rotation, then the third, etc. I am sure that a very strange effect would be greated. I have never read anywhere before that I can remember, that such an experiment has been done, but I would bet that it has been done. 

I googled "rotation of a rotation" >> 46 results; and "rotation of rotation">>35,100; "rotation of a rotating">>9.59 million; "rotation of a rotating magnetic">> only 9  "rotation of a rotating electrical">> only 2    "rotation of a rotating electromagnetic">> zero;  "rotation of a rotating magnet">> only 3. So you can see that very little has been written about this subject, but I believe some very strange effects will occur. 

Created by admin. Last Modification: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 08:18:11PM EDT by admin.