
- China (Chinese) Databases of articles, periodicals, books, and other items

Chinese Periodical Article Databases

1. CJN {China Journals Net), which contains fulltext

articles from 5,000 reference journals and

the titles of articles from 6,600 journals published

in China since 1994.

2. RUC {Renmin University of China Database), the

most comprehensive database for the subjects of

social science and humanities in China. It contains

all full-text articles from 3,500 journals

sitice 1995 and the indexes of 2,300,000 articles

published since 1979.

3. CDMD {China Doctoral Dissertations & Master's

Theses Full-text Databases), which has a collection

of 300,000 Master's and PhD dissertations

submitted since 2000.

4. CPCD {China Proceedings of Conferences Database),

which contains proceedings from national

and international conferences and seminars on

the latest research from academic associations,

industrial organizations, governmental agencies,

and international bodies in China.

Chinese Periodical Directories:

There is that online directory I once saw, with thousands of Chinese publiched periodicals, all with very colorful front covers, etc;

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