This list is intended to include all periodicals in the world, currently publishing or defunct, that focus or focused on new energy, free energy, cold fusion [Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR)}, and related subjects. These may be journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, online periodicals, and other serial publications. If you know of any new energy, free energy, or related periodicals that are not on this list, please write to John H. Reed at joreed43 @gmail.
Cold Fusion Magazine and Newsletter:
Energy HotLine:
Energy Unlimited:
Exotic Research:
Extraordinary Research and Technology:
Fusion Facts (ISSN:1051-8738): This was a hardcopy periodical published in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Fusion Information Center from 1993- 1999. This periodical focused on low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), cold fusion, and related subjects. It began with Volume 1, No. 1 (July, 1989) and continued to be published through issue Volume 8, No. 6 (December, 1996) Beginning in 1997, it was incorporated into the journal, Journal of New Energy . All known physical issues of Fusion Facts have been obtained, digitized, and are available to USPA members.
Future Energy ( ISSN: ? ): This is the newsletter of the Integrity Research Institute in Beltsville, MD, near Washington, DC, headed by Tom Valone, Ph.D. This organization does research and education on new and breakthrough energy concepts, such as zero point energy, LENR, and other forms of innovative alternative energy. The issues of this periodical that are known to exist are: Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring, 2000) through Vol. 1, No. 4 (Spring, 2003) (four issues). All known physical issues have been obtained, digitized, and are available to USPA members. Any subsequent issues need to be identified and acquired.
Infinite Energy:
Journal of New Energy : The Journal of New Energy (1086-8259) was a hardcopy periodical published in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Fusion Information Center from 1996- 1999. This periodical focused on low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), cold fusion, high-density changer cluster technology, high-efficiency motors or generators, other new energy devices, and related subjects. It began with Volume 1, No. 1 (January, 1996) and continued to be published through issue Volume 4, No. 1 (Summer, 1999). All known physical issues have been obtained, digitized, and are available to USPA members.
New Energy News (1075-0045) was a hardcopy periodical published in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Institute for New Energy from 1993- 1999. This periodical focused on all types of new forms of energy, including hydrogen energy, zero point energy, low energy nuclear reactions (LENR), water as fuel, and related subjects. It began with Volume 1, No. 1 (May, 1993) and continued to be published through at least issue Volume 6, No. 11 (September, 1999) It is not known if subsequent issues were ever published. All known physical issues have been obtained, digitized, and are available to USPA members.