
- World Institute for New Energy (WINE)



Because of climate change, global warming, and environmental pollution and despoilation due to the use of expensive petroleum based fuels and nuclear power, it is necessary to find radically new sources of clean energy and power that do not harm the environment and its inhabitants.

It is the mission of the World Institute for New Energy (WINE) to identify, discover, and  investigate all potential forms of new energy, as well as, the inventions and technology that inventors have developed that can provide clean and inexpensive energy. Such potential energy and fuels include, but are not limited to: zero point enrgy (ZPE), Low Energy Nuclear Fusion (LENF), water based fuels, nitrogen based fuels, hydrogen based fuels,  vacuum energy, and all other forms of radically new and clean energy sources.

This does not include energy and power sources whose technologies are well known, such as electric batteries, solar power, wind power, wave power, and others. 

Created by admin. Last Modification: Monday, October 02, 2023 12:09:18PM EDT by admin.