
-- Alaska (State Home Page, Research Resources)

This webpage is meant to provide comprehensive reference information about all activities in this state related to parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, and unexplained phenomena of any kind. This includes organizations, periodicals, people, events, books and articles, audio-visual materials, and online resources.

General Description of Activities in This State on the Above Subjects:


Organizations: This includes all organization that have ever existed in this state, both currently operating or defunct, with an interest in parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects:

1.       WISE State Advisory Council of Alaska



Periodicals: This includes all periodicals of any kind (journals, magazines, newsletters, etc.) that have ever been published in this state, both currently publishing or defunct, that focused on parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects:




People:  This includes all individuals living in this state, both living or deceased, with an interest in parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects; This would include college and university professors and other researchers; authors of books and articles; people with extraordinary mental abilities or other extraordinary skills; folklorists, and alternative medicine practitioners:




Objects, Sites, and Events: This includes all unexplained, mysterious, or unusual  objects, sites, events, or other paranormal phenomena that are located in this state, or have occurred in or near the shores of this state. Also included are extraordinary inventions, discoveries, or medical cures reported in this state:




Books, Monographs, and Articles: This includes all books, monographs, periodical articles, reports, theses, conference presentations, and other writing about this state or events in this state that are related to parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects:




Audio-Visual Materials: This includes all photos, audio recordings, videos, and related images of people, objects, sites or events in this state related to parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects:




Online Resources: This includes links to blogs, wikis, social media, and websites of any kind that focus on this state or events in this state related to parapsychology, the paranormal, scientific anomalies, alternative and  traditional medicine, alternative energy, speculative technologies, folklore, unexplained phenomena of any kind, and related subjects:






Other Subject Areas of Interest and Research in This State:

Libraries, Archives, and Collections Located in This State:

Education and Training – Universities, Colleges, and Post-Secondary Education and Training Institutions in This State:

Historical Societies and Historical Preservation Organizations in This State:

Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural  Preservation Organizations, Periodicals, and Government Agencies in This State:

Research Organizations, Institutions, and Centers Located in This State:

Companies and Corporations dealing with Extraordinary Products or Services in This State:

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in This State:

Government Agencies  Conducting and/or Funding Very Advanced Research, Disruptive Research, and Emerging Technologies in This State:

Government Departments of Public Health in This State:

Grants and Funding Sources for Non-profit Organizations in This State:

Incorporation in this State as a non-profit  organization or for-profit corporation:

Medical and Health Practitioner Licensure Offices in This State:

Medical Schools and Medical Libraries Located in This State:

Physicians Practicing in This State:

Research and Development Companies Located in This State:

Venture Capital (VC), Business Angels, and other Business Start-up Capital Funding Sources in This State:

Veterinarians, Veterinarian Schools, Organizations, and Periodicals in This State:

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday, May 24, 2014 04:36:21PM EDT by admin.