
-- New Energy, Free Energy, and Low Cost Energy, Library and Reference Resources


Books, Monographs, Theses,  Articles (Periodical and Online), and Other Publications: These are intended to be comprehensive lists and bibliographic citations,  including alphabetical lists by author's name and subject lists. 

Library Holdings: 


Collections and Archives  (private and public) held by individuals, university and public libraries, historical societies, and other institutions: eg the Cold Fusion Archives at the Univ. of WY??

Meeting and Conference, including presentations

Museum of Devices and Artifacts

Organizations and Groups: This list is intended to include all  organizations and groups in the world, currently in operation or defunct, including online groups,  that focus or focused on new energy, free energy, and related subjects.  If you knowof any  new energy or free energy organizations or groups that are not on this list, please write to John H. Reed at  joreed43 atgmail.

Periodicals and Serials:  This list is intended to include all periodicals in the world,  currently publishing or defunct, that focus or focused on new energy, free energy, and related subjects.  These may be journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, online periodicals, and other serial publications.  If you knowof any  new energy or free energy periodicals that are not on this list, please write to John H. Reed at  joreed43 atgmail.

Researchers and Writers: This includes profiles and short bios of peope who have focused their research and'or writing on new energy, free energy, and related subjects.  All of their writings are in their profile, as well asn in the comprehensive list of all books, articles, etc. 

Websites (operational and defunct):


Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday, January 21, 2025 12:32:27PM EST by admin.