A4 = 432 Hz
The modern A4 = 440 Hz tuning is a Nazi imposition that has stuck. That history is explained on soem of the websites linked below.
A4 = 432 Hz is a natural, cosmic standard :
A4 = 432 Hz Equal Tempered Scale
Note Hz
C0 16.05 MP3
C#0/Db0 17.01 MP3
D0 18.02 MP3
D#0/Eb0 19.09 MP3
E0 20.23 MP3
F0 21.43 MP3
F#0/Gb0 22.70 MP3
G0 24.05 MP3
G#0/Ab0 25.48 MP3
A0 27.00 MP3
A#0/Bb0 28.61 MP3
B0 30.31 MP3
C1 32.11 MP3
C#1/Db1 34.02 MP3
D1 36.04 MP3
D#1/Eb1 38.18 MP3
E1 40.45 MP3
F1 42.86 MP3
F#1/Gb1 45.41 MP3
G1 48.11 MP3
G#1/Ab1 50.97 MP3
A1 54.00 MP3
A#1/Bb1 57.21 MP3
B1 60.61 MP3
C2 64.22 MP3
C#2/Db2 68.04 MP3
D2 72.08 MP3
D#2/Eb2 76.37 MP3
E2 80.91 MP3
F2 85.72 MP3
F#2/Gb2 90.82 MP3
G2 96.22 MP3
G#2/Ab2 101.94
A2 108.00 MP3
A#2/Bb2 114.42 MP3
B2 121.23 MP3
C3 128.43 MP3
C#3/Db3 136.07 MP3
D3 144.16 MP3
D#3/Eb3 152.74 MP3
E3 161.82 MP3
F3 171.44 MP3
F#3/Gb3 181.63 MP3
G3 192.43 MP3
G#3/Ab3 203.88 MP3
A3 216.00 MP3
A#3/Bb3 228.84 MP3
B3 242.45 MP3
C4 256.87 MP3
C#4/Db4 272.14 MP3 " rel="external nofollow"> MP3
D4 288.33 MP3
D#4/Eb4 305.47 MP3
E4 323.63 MP3
F4 342.88 MP3
F#4/Gb4 363.27 MP3
G4 384.87 MP3
G#4/Ab4 407.75 MP3
A4 432.00 MP3
A#4/Bb4 457.69 MP3
B4 484.90 MP3
C5 513.74 MP3
C#5/Db5 544.29 MP3
D5 576.65 MP3
D#5/Eb5 610.94 MP3
E5 647.27 MP3
F5 685.76 MP3
F#5/Gb5 726.53 MP3
G5 769.74 MP3
G#5/Ab5 815.51 MP3
A5 864.00 MP3
A#5/Bb5 915.38 MP3
B5 969.81 MP3
C6 1027.47 MP3
C#6/Db6 1088.57 MP3
D6 1153.30 MP3
D#6/Eb6 1221.88 MP3
E6 1294.54 MP3
F6 1371.51 MP3
F#6/Gb6 1453.07 MP3
G6 1539.47 MP3
G#6/Ab6 1631.01 MP3
A6 1728.00 MP3
A#6/Bb6 1830.75 MP3
B6 1939.61 MP3
C7 2054.95 MP3
C#7/Db7 2177.14 MP3
D7 2306.60 MP3
D#7/Eb7 2443.76 MP3
E7 2589.07 MP3
F7 2743.03 MP3
F#7/Gb7 2906.14 MP3
G7 3078.95 MP3
G#7/Ab7 3262.03 MP3
A7 3456.00 MP3
A#7/Bb7 3661.50 MP3
B7 3879.23 MP3
C8 4109.90 MP3
C#8/Db8 4354.29 MP3
D8 4613.21 MP3
D#8/Eb8 4887.52 MP3
E8 5178.15 MP3
F8 5486.06 MP3
F#8/Gb8 5812.28 MP3
G8 6157.89 MP3
G#8/Ab8 6524.06 MP3
A8 6912.00 MP3
A#8/Bb8 7323.01 MP3
B8 7758.46 MP3
The basic formula for the frequencies of the notes of the equal tempered scale is given by
fn = f0 * (a)n
f0 = the frequency of one fixed note which must be defined. A common choice is setting the A above middle C (A4) at f0 = 440 Hz.
n = the number of half steps away from the fixed note you are. If you are at a higher note, n is positive. If you are on a lower note, n is negative.
fn = the frequency of the note n half steps away.
a = (2)1/12 = the twelth root of 2 = the number which when multiplied by itself 12 times equals 2 = 1.059463094359...
The wavelength of the sound for the notes is found from
Wn = c/fn
where W is the wavelength and c is the speed of sound. The speed of sound depends on temperature, but is approximately 345 m/s at "room temperature."
Table 1 compares the frequencies of the individual tones using the three tuning methods, in the previous two scales as well as in the Just Intervals Scale.
...So let’s look at the A=432 Hz music scale
There are a few ways to calculate this so we’ll look at the 2 most important scales – Pythagorean and Ptolemy tuning and compare them to the 440Hz scale.
440 Hz v 432 Hz
The first thing you may notice is that when A=432 all of the main notes are now whole numbers.
Not only that, all of the main notes in the A=432 Hz scale are found in the most harmonics numbers chart.
How the table works
The column down starts at 1 and is then 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 etc
The row across starts at 1 and is then 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 etc
The numbers in the middle are the sums of the columns and rows multiplied e.g 432 is 16 x 27
In the first column we can see 256 highlighted. This is note C from the A=432Hz musical scale …and so is every other number in this column. When you double the number to 512, 1024 etc, you are going up an octave each time. Likewise, halving the number to 128, 64 etc is going down an octave each time.
In the 2nd column every note is G in the A=432Hz scale.
Every number in the 3rd column is the note D, and so on.
Every number in this table corresponds to a note in the A=432Hz scale.
Platonic solids
The 5 platonic solids are said to be the building blocks of matter. These figures and their different combinations, reveal every possible molecular structure and every possible geometrical law, forming our physical reality.
When you add up all the angles within these 3D shapes you get:
Tetrahedron 180 x 4 = 720 which is Note F# in the A432Hz musical scale (an octave above 360)
Cube (360 x 6) 2160* (Note A)
Octahedron 1440* (Note D)
Dodecahedron 6480* (Note E)
Icosahedron 3600* (Note F#)
* You may think that 1440 can not be musically harmonious with 144 (note D), but it is. If you multiply a frequency by 10 you will get it’s 10th harmonic overtone which is 3 octaves + a major third, so adding or removing 0’s is no problem at all from a musical and harmonic point of view. 2
Diameter of sun = 864,000 miles (432 x 2)
Diameter of moon = 2,160 miles (5 x 432 = 2,160)
2+1+6+0 resolves to a 9, as does 4+3+2 = 9 and 5 x 9 = 45 and 4 + 5 = 9 as well.
Precession of the Equinoxes of Earth = 25,920 years (60 x 432) x
C#=544 Hz, NOT 554 Hz! A.K.A The Breakthrough that Didn’t Quite Break Through
In a ground-breaking research collaboration initiated in the late 1980s, biologist David Deamer and composer Susan Alexjander sought to directly ascertain the frequencies emitted by the bases of our DNA (A, G, C, T). They did this by directly measuring the infrared absorption spectra of DNA molecules. These DNA frequencies were then arranged as “scales” of tones, and subsequently used as the basis for Alexjander’s musical compositions...
..Then, after weeks and weeks of experimentation with different sound combinations, a “tonal center” began to emerge. One pitch in particular seemed to lend meaning and coherency to the challenging microtonal morass — a pitch common to all four bases: C#(!)
Adenine: 545.6 Hz
Guanine: 550
Thymine: 543.4
Cytosine: 537.8
Average DNA Hz = 544.2
(Note : This protocol is to convert music from 440hz to 432hz. If the music was originally made in 432hz then using this protocol will make it out of tune. Almost all music nowadays is in 440hz, except a lot (but not all) of Indian traditional music which is still made in 432hz, as well as some traditional Tibetan or didgeridoo music, and a few other isolated cases.)
Download the free software Audacity here
Then download this little plug-in here in order to be able to save files in mp3
First we need to create a protocol, and then you will be able to apply it quickly and easily to any file or group of files.
Open Audacity, click on the 'File' tab on the top left corner, then 'Edit chains', and then 'Add' on the bottom left corner.
Enter the name you want for the protocol, for example 432, then click on insert. Then double click on 'TimeScale', and then edit parameters.
Then type -1.818 in both (%) boxes and click Ok :
Then click ok again, then click on insert, and double click on 'Exportmp3', and click Ok.
Tutorial :