These are radionic instruments that work "automatically" and do not require that the operator gets a "stick" on the stick plate or has knowledge or abilities using the dowsing pendulum. A few machines have been developed over the years that supposedly had this capability, and they are listed below:
Butcher Device: Darrell Butcher is said to be the creator of the first automatic radionic instrument. Danniel knows a great deal about Darrell Butcher;
Gallimore Radionic Machine: J. G. Gallimore developed a device, one of which I saw and took photographs of at Marietta Pickett's place, that did not have or need a rubbing plate;
Lucas Device: Mart Lucas, former president of the American Society of dowsers told me (JHR) at the 2018 USPA Conference that he has a commercially available device that performs like an automatic radionics device; This is commercially available;
There are several other devices that I have read about, and I believe there is a book on this subject that was published by Borderlands, which I have in the file Up North.