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Over 130 different journals and other periodicals have been published over the years that focus on Ayurvedic Medicine. A complete list, alphabetized by title, of all known journals and periodicals focusing on this subject is below. If you know of, or encounter any periodical that is not on this list that focuses on Ayurvedic Medicine, please write to John H. Reed, M.D. joreed43(at)gmail.comwith details about the periodical missing from this list, and we will add it to the list.
Adhiveśana Kā Kāryavivaraṇa. Baṛaudā: Sādhanā Presa, 1900. Print.
Administration Report. Trivandrum, 1900. Print.
Administration Report. Delhi: Central Institute of Research in Indigenous Systems of Medicine, 1954. Print.
Ahevāla Amadāvāda. Ahmedabad: Health and Industries Dept, 1900. Print.
Mooss, N S. The All India Ayurvedic Directory. Kottayam: Vaidy Sarathy, K.P. Press, 1937. Print.
Allied Ayurvedic Medical Research Abstracts: Aamra. Tirupati: Prospective Ayurvedic Researchers' Academy, 1990. Print.
Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Puyallup, WA: Future Medicine Pub, 1993. Print.
Ancient Medical Wisdom of India. Bangalore: Kalpatharu Research Academy, 1992. Print.
Ancient Science of Life. Coimbatore, India: AVR Educational Foundation of Ayurveda, 1981. Internet resource.
Annual Administration Report on the Working of the Punjab Ayurvedic Department. Chandigarh, 1900. Print.
Annual Report. New Delhi: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 1900. Internet resource.
Annual Report. Delhi: Central Institute of Research in Indigenous Systems of Medicine, 1956. Print.
Annual Report. New Delhi: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 1979. Print.
Annual Report. Vijnana Niwas, Madhuban, Kalimpong [India: International Trust for Traditional Medicine, 1997. Print.
Annual Report on the Working of the Hospitals and Dispensaries of Indigenous Medicine in the State of Madras for the Year. Madras: Printed by the Controller of Stationery and Printing, on behalf of the Govt. of Madras, 1900. Print.
Ārogya Mitra. Gvāliyara: Ārogya-Mitra Kāryālaya, 1900. Print.
Arogyaprabhā. Punẹ: Gharakula Prakāśana, 1900. Print.
Ārōkkiyam. Tirukkirāppalli, 1960. Print.
Arut Perum Jōti. Madras: s.n., 1900. Internet resource.
Arut Perum Jōti. Madras: s.n., 1900. Print.
Āryavaidyan. Kottakkal, Malappuram District, Kerala State: Arya Vaidya Sala, 1987. Print.
Auto-urine Therapy: Incorporating Naturopathy. Bombay: Acharya Jagdish, B, 1978. Print.
Ayu. Mumbai: Medknow Publications and Media, n.d.. Internet resource.
Ayu. Medknow Publications and Media: Mumbai, n.d.. Internet resource.
Āyu. Jāmanagara: Gujarāta Āyurveda Yunivarsiṭī, 1900. Print.
Ayu: An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda. Mumbai: Medknow Publications Pvt. Ltd, 1964. Internet resource.
Ayu: An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda. Mumbai: Medknow Publications and Media, 2010. Internet resource.
Ayur Vijnana. Kalimpong, West Bengal: International Trust for Traditional Medicine, 1996. Print.
Ayurmedline: Classical and Proprietary Formulations, Informative Articles, Research Updates, Exclusive Seminar Report, Ayurvedic Vet Index, Many More Pages of Professional Interest. Bangalore: Brahmanand Nayak, 1999. Print.
Ayurpharm. , 2012. Internet resource.
Ayurved Jagat. Mumbai: Prafulla Pratapkumar Vaidya, 1942. Print.
Āyurveda. Kāṭhamāḍauṃ: Nepāla Āyurveda Samiti, 1967. Print.
Malekara, Laksmana R. Ayurveda: Ayurved. Mumbai, 1951. Print.
Hope-Murray, Angela. Ayurveda for Dummies. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley, 2013. Print.
Āyurvēda Komasāris Tǎnagē Pālana Vārtāva. , 1900. Print.
Āyurveda Mahāsammelana Patrikā. Naī Dillī: A. Bhā. Āyurveda Mahāsammelana, 1900. Print.
Azizan, Haji D. Ayurveda Mengembalikan Keseimbangan Tubuh. , 2011. Print.
Azimah, Omar. Ayurveda Menguatkan Tenaga Dalaman Anda. , 2011. Print.
Âyurveda Newsletter. Strasbourg?: Société des études āyurvédiques, 1984. Print.
Ayurveda Pradeepika. Colombo: Ayurveda Magazine Managing Committee, Dept. of Ayurveda, 1969. Print.
Āyurvēda Pradīpikā =: Āyuḷvēta Piratīpikai = Ayurveda Pradeepika. Nāvinna, Maharagama [Ceylon: Baṇḍāranāyaka Anusmaraṇa Āyurvēda Paryēṣanāyatanaya, 1969. Print.
Āyurveda Śikshaṇa Mālā. Pune [i.e. Poona: Sāgara Prakāśana, 1978. Print.
Ayurveda Today: The Science of Conscious Living and Longevity. Albuquerque, N.M: Ayurvedic Institute, 1980. Print.
Āyurvēda-vikāsa: Gauravaśālī Lokapriya Māsika. Naī Dillī: Aśvini Śāstrī, 1900. Print.
Ayurvédaloka. Jamnagar: Institute for Ayurvedic Studies and Research, 1964. Print.
Āyurvēdaya: Vedasara Traimāsikaya. Koḷamba: Āyurvēda Depārtamēntuva, 1996. Print.
Ayurvedic. , 2014. Internet resource.
The Ayurvedic Wellness Journal. Santa Fe, N.M: Ayurvedic Institute, 1985. Print.
Āyurvedika Evaṃ Yūnānī Nideśālaya Kī Vārshika Riporṭa. Ilāhābāda, Adhīkshaka: Mudraṇa evaṃ Lekhana Sāmagrī, U. Pra, 1900. Print.
Ayurvedline: All About Ayurveda Today. Bangalore: Dr. Sivaram Prasad, 2003. Print.
Āyurvētam.kām =: www.ayurvedham.com. Chennai: S. Senthilkumar, 2007. Print.
Āyurvētam Ṭuṭē. , 2013. Print.
Bulletin. Hyderabad: Dept. of History of Medicine, Osmania Medical College, 1963. Print.
Bulletin of Medico-Ethno-Botanical Research. New Delhi, India: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 1980. Print.
Bulletin of the Department of History of Medicine. Hyderabad, India, 1963. Print.
Bulletin of the Indian Institute of History of Medicine. Hyderabad: Published by B. Rama Rao, Research Officer, Indian Institute of History of Medicine, for the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, 1974. Print.
Bulletin of the Institute of History of Medicine (hyderabad). Hyderabad, India: Published by B. Rao for the Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, 1971. Print.
Citta Maruttuvam. Cen̲n̲ai: Ulaka Citta Maruttuva Ārāyccik Kal̲akam, 1900. Print.
Colourama. Brighton: IACT, 1993. Print.
Chopra, Deepak. Deepak Chopra's Infinite Possibilities for Body, Mind & Soul. New York, NY: Crown Publishers, 1996. Print.
Deerghayu International. Pune: Institute of Indian Medicine, 1984. Print.
Datt, Thakur, and Sharmā Vaid. Desh Apkārak. Lahore: s.n., 1904. Print.
Dhanvantari. Alīgarha: Śrī Jvālā Āyurveda Bhavana, 1900. Print.
Electronic Journal of Indian Medicine. Eelde, the Netherlands: Barkhuis, 2007. Internet resource.
Elements: Ayurveda Health & Nutrition. West Hartford, CT: International Society for Ayurveda and Health, 2003. Print.
Frlht's Amruth. Bangalore, India: Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, 1994. Print.
Health Action. Secunderabad, A.P: Health Accessories for All, 1900. Print.
Heritage Amruth: A Magazine for Healthy Living, the Natural Way. Bangalore: Medplan Conservatory Society, 2005. Print.
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. New Delhi: National Institute of Science Communication, 2002. Print.
Indian Medical Science Series. Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications, 1986. Print.
Inside Ayurveda. Quincy, CA: Of life, Inc, 1998. Print.
International Journal of Advanced Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. , 2012. Internet resource.
International Journal of Ayurveda Research. Mumbai, India: Medknow Publications, 2010. Internet resource.
International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine. Hyderabad: s.n., 2010. Internet resource.
International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy. Uttar Kannada, Karnataka, India: International Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2010. Internet resource.
Journal. Jaipur, 1948. Print.
Journal of Ayurveda. New Delhi, 1949. Print.
Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine. Ilkal: Atreya Ayurveda Publications, 2013. Internet resource.
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. Mumbai: Medknow Publications, 2010. Internet resource.
Journal of Ayurveda =: Āyurveda Traimāsikī. Jaipur: The Institute, 1981. Print.
Journal of Ayurveda: Pathways to Integrative Living Through the Healing Arts & Sciences. Albuquerque, N.M: Prakruti Press, 1988. Print.
Journal of Indian Institute of History of Medicine =: Bhāratīya Āyurvijñāna Itihāsa Sansthāna Patrikā. Hyderabad: Indian Institute of History of Medicine [published for Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, 2007. Print.
Journal of Indian Medical Heritage. Hyderabad: National Institute of Indian medical Heritage, [published for Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, 2009. Print.
Journal of Indian Medical Heritage =: Bhāratīya Āyurvijñāna Sampadā Patrikā. Hyderabad: National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage for the Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Delhi, 2009. Print.
Journal of N.p.a. Kathmandu: Nepal Pharmaceutical Association, 1974. Print.
The Journal of Research and Education in Indian Medicine. Varanasi: The Journal, 1982. Print.
Journal of Research in Ayurveda & Siddha. New Delhi: Central Council for Research in Ayurveda and Siddha, 1980. Print.
Journal of Research in Indian Medicine. New Delhi [etc.: Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy [etc., 1966. Print.
The Journal of Research in Indian Medicine. Varanasi: Post Graduate Institute of Indian Medicine, Banaras Hindu University, 1966. Print.
The Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, Yoga and Homoeopathy. New Delhi: Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, 1976. Print.
Journal of Scientific Research in Plants & Medicines. Hardwar: Yogi Pharmacy, Research & Publication Division, 1979. Print.
Journal of the European Āyurvedic Society. Reinbek, Germany: I. Wezler, 1990. Print.
Journal of the National Integrated Medical Association. Mysore: National Integrated Medical Association, 1972. Print.
Konsep Api, Air Dan Lendir Dalam Perubatan Ayurveda. , 1995. Print.
Maharishi International University, Institute for Ayurvedic Studies: A Quarterly Newsletter on Ayurvedic Research. Fairfield, Iowa: Institute for Ayurvedic Studies, Maharishi International University, 1986. Print.
Ramasubramonia, Navalar. Mānmurukiyam. , 1969. Print.
Mehevara: Dēśīya Vaidya Krama Piḷibanda Jātika Āyatanayē Vāra Prakāśanaya. Maharagama: Dēśīya Vaidya Krama Piḷibanda Jātika Āyatanaya, 1995. Print.
Modern Science and Vedic Science. Fairfield, Iowa: Maharishi International University, 1987. Print.
Nangsư̄phim Khāosān Kānphǣt Bōrān. Phranakhō̜n: Samākhom Rō̜. Rō̜. Phǣt Phǣnbōrān Wat Phō, 1964. Print.
National Medical Gazette. Gwalior [India: National Medical Association of India, 1960. Print.
National Medical Journal. Mysore: s.n., 1958. Print.
National Medical Journal Amalgamating with Journal of the National Integrated Medical Association. Mysore: National Integrated Medical Assoc, 1971. Print.
New Approaches to Medicine and Health: Namah. Pondicherry [India: Sri Aurobindo Society, 1993. Print.
News Letter. New Delhi: CCRAS, 1970. Print.
Nirāmaya. Amadāvāda, A. Bu: Vaidya, 1900. Print.
Pāṭṭi Vaittiyam. Maleciya: Paati Vaithiyam Enterprise, 2003. Print.
Performance Budget - Department of Medicine & Homoeopathy. Hyderabad: Dept. of Indian Medicine & Homoeopathy, 1900. Print.
Performance Report. Vijnana Niwas, Madhuban, Kalimpong [India: International Trust for Traditional Medicine, 2000. Print.
Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic Drugs, Kerala. Trivandrum [India: Central Research Institute, 1953. Print.
Pharmacognosy of Ayurvedic Drugs of Travancore-Cochin. Trivandrum, [India: University of Travancore, Central Research Institute, 1951. Print.
Prakr̥ti Jīvana. Bangalore: Gāndhi Sāhitya Saṅgha, 1960. Print.
Probe. Bombay: J.B. Saxena for Himalay Drug Co, 1960. Print.
Prospectus of Studies for Examinations of the College of Ayurveda. Benares: Registrar, Benares Hindu University, 1900. Print.
Publication. Poona, 1962. Print.
Report - Health and Family Planning Services, Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathy, Drugs Control Departments. Bangalore: Govt. of Karnataka, 1974. Print.
Sachitra Ayurved. S.l: s.n., n.d.. Print.
Sacitra Āyurveda. Paṭanā: Ṡrī Baidyanātha Āyurveda Bhavana, 1900. Print.
Samarpaṇa: Āyurvēda Paryēṣaṇa Piḷibanda Vāra Prakāsanaya. Koḷamba: Āyurvēda Depārtamēntuva, 1994. Print.
The Secret of Health: A Monthly Journal for Preservation of One's Health. Madras: s.n., 1923. Print.
Sri Lanka Journal of Indigenous Medicine: Sljim. , 2011. Print.
Subaseta =: Subasetha Weekly. Colombo [Sri Lanka, 1900. Print.
Sudhānidhi. Alīgaṛha: Dhanvantari Kāryālaya, 1973. Print.
Svāsthya. Kāleṛā Kṛshṇa Gopāla: Kṛshṇa Gopāla Ayurveda Bhavana, 1900. Print.
Svāsthya Sāmaẏikī. Dacca: Borḍa aba Iunānī eṇḍa Āyurvaidika Sisṭimas aba Meḍisina, 1974. Print.
Technical Report. Delhi: Central Institute of Research in Indigenous Systems of Medicine, 1954. Print.
Traditional South Asian Medicine. Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2001. Print.
Vagbhata. Trivandrum: National Ayurveda Academy, 1982. Print.
Vaidyasammelana Patrikā. Pūnā: Nikhilabhāratāyurvedamahāmanda lavidyāpītha, 1900. Print.
Vārshika Prativedana. Ilāhābāda, Uttara Pradeśa: Rājakīya Mudraṇa evaṃ Lekhana Sāmagrī, 1900. Print.
Yog Sandesh. Haridwar: Divya Yog Mandir (Trust, 2000. Print.