Website of De La Sale University Databases:
Databases of Interest:
EBSCO Research Databases : Databases covers topics on business and social sciences.
Gale Databases : Provides access to more than 12,000 multidisciplinary journals from over 100 industry-leading publishers that offers a unique research experience.
Gale Virtual Reference Library : Provides access to more than 12,000 multidisciplinary eBooks from over 100 industry-leading publishers that offers a unique research experience.
Philosophers Index with Full Text : Contains hundreds of internationally recognized journals on philosophy, with interesting topics on political philosophy, social philosophy, ethics, logic, metaphysics and epistemology, and more.
Pressreader: Provides unlimited access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines from over 120 countries.
ProQuest Dissertation & Thesis Global : Provides access to more than 5 million dissertations and theses with coverage from year 1637 and nearly 3 million full texts for most of the dissertations added since 1997. (Available until April 30, 2024)
Proquest eBooks Central (former eBrary) : An online database of full text scholarly books.
Proquest Online : 21 databases: ABI/Inform, Academic Research, AST Social Science Plus, Education, Computing, etc.
Scival : Is a bibliometric tool for research performance covering more than 18,000 research institutions worldwide for more than 30 million publications from 1996 to the present. SciVal generates reports on research relationships, trends, and data for research planning.
SCOPUS : The largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources
UlrichsWeb : A bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects, and includes publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by paid subscription
World Dissertation Library : Provides access to scholarly dissertations, theses, and academic papers in the fields of science and technology, engineering sciences, agronomy, medicine, and health, social sciences, economy, management science, and related disciplines.