
Detectors of Dowsing, Dowsable Rays, Waves, or Fields

Assuming that all objects, living or inanimate. organic or inorganic, produce rays, waves, or fields that are detectable by dowsers with certain personal skills, there must be technology that can be built that is able to detect these same rays, waves, or fields. These detectors may be constructed devices or living organisms.

These are devices that have been written about or told to me (JHR) that asupposedly had these capabilities:

John ___: He was the dowser who I met at the 2017 Spring Sparsholt College Radionics/Dowsing event in the UK, and told me that he had developed a device that could detect matter waves;

Sauvin, Paul Devices:  Pierre Paul Sauvin is said to have develop various plant detectors of the waves emitted by matter of various forms; 

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 09:17:20PM EDT by admin.