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Location of Periodical Files and Records:
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Standard Publishing Information about This Periodical:
- Title of Periodical:
- Subtitle:
- Title Variations in Spelling, Acronyms, AKA, etc:
- Previous Title:
- Subsequent Title:
- Organization Sponsor:
- Publisher(s) (organization, person) (most recent and former):
- Address(es) (most recent street address, and former):
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- Website URL of Periodical (note, if none):
- Website URL of Publisher (note, if none):
- Founder(s):
- Editor(s) (most recent and former):
- Other Key People Associated with Periodical (staff editors, designer, etc.)
- Current Activity Status (active, inactive, defunct, unknown):
- Year of First Issue:
- Volume and Number of First Issue of This Title:
- Year of Last Issue:
- Volume and Number of Last Issue of This Title:
- Years of Publication:
- Total Number of Issues Published of This Title:
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- Frequency:
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- Advertising Accepted? (yes/no):
- Number of pages, typically:
- Periodical Type (journal, magazine, newsletter, newspaper, etc.)
- Publication Format (print, online, both):
- Subscription Rate per year:
Notes Related to This Periodical:
A periodical published by the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE)