Electricity, both direct current and alternating current, can be and has been used to treat many diseases and disorders using various voltages, amperage levels, and pulsing frequencies. It was used frequently in the 1800's and early 1900s, to treat many diseases, including microbial diseases. This therapy is not to be confused with electroconvulsive therapy or electroshock therapy, which is used in psychiatry.
This therapy can be used in humans, animals, and plants. Among the therapeutic uses of electricity in the past or being developed are:1) Cancer treatment and regression of tumors; 2) Anti-microbial therapy that can solve the problem of microbial antibiotic resistance or other resistance to pharmaceutical drugs, and also provides a potential solution to bioterrorism and biowarfare; 3) Enhancement of bone healing; 4) Enhancement of limb regeneration; 5) Inactivation of snakebite venoms; 5) Plant diseases;
Bone Healing:
Edgelow, George, MD. Cancer and Simple Tumours Dispersed by Electricity, 1883.
Plant Diseases:
Regeneration of Limbs: