
Profilers of the Unknown (organization)

This is a well-experienced, dedicated, and skilled group of ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, analysts, and educators from the Philippines.
WHAT WE ARE: We are a team of open-minded, experienced and skilled ghost hunters, paranormal investigators/analysts and educators who were drawn together by a common interest --- to explore the paranormal, understand it well and share our knowledge with others. What makes us different is that we are made up of people who are experts in certain fields that are essential in paranormal investigation.... See More
General Information

Submission of photos and videos by others to be analyzed means that the senders agree that we, as an investigative group, have the right to scrutinize, analyze and declare them as real, fake, plausible or inconclusive. Please, submit only photos and videos that are yours.



Created by admin. Last Modification: Friday, May 09, 2014 12:41:05AM EDT by admin.