
Travel, Housing


Greenbook: http://hotelcoupons.com/hotels/ I called their number, 800-766-6728, but just got a tape;

Redbook: http://www.travelcoupons.com/ Some states such as Michigan, New York, and numerous other states do not have printed red booklets, but do have coupons available online. I called their main number, 256-442-4321, and they said that you can print off the coupons for any state, including those for which red booklet are printed, and that the coupons should be accepted by the hotel operators.

Trivago: http://www.trivago.com/

Trip Adviser: http://www.tripadvisor.ca/  (very much like Trivago)

Airbnb and Competitors (like the old Traveler's Directory): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbnb

Religious Housing

Catholic Retreat Centers from the Retreat Centers Directory: http://www.retreatfinder.com/Directory/Faith/Christian/Catholic.aspx   Lists over 600 Catholic retreat centers in the US and around the world.

Catholic Retreat Centers from the Official Catholic Directory:


Retreat Center Directory of 2,806 retreat centers worldwide, arranged by country, state and province: http://www.retreatfinder.com/directory.aspx

Newman Center Directory, Worldwide: http://www.newmanconnection.com/locations/find

Campus Housing: That Federal website that tells every college and university in the US that has campus housing for students, and hence, may have housing for visitors;


Just select the state and check yes for  the "Housing" question, that you get to by clicking on "More Search Options."

Michigan State University: Main Switchboard Number: 517-355-1855                    Campus Housing Number:   517-884-5483; They have dorm housing at Owen Hall for "visiting scholars" at $42.00 per night. Call "Destinations" at 517-353-9300 to make arrangements. Kellog Center rooms: $129.00, minimum;  MSU Alumni Assn: 517-355-8314; $45.00 per year; $400.00 for life, if over 65; But they have no library or database benefits;

University of Michigan: Main Switchboard Number: 734-764-1817   Campus Housing Number: 734-764-0384; They have short term housing, but with a minimum stay of one week. The charge per week is $575.00=$82.00+ per day. The League charges $120.00 per day.  Uof M Alumni Assn.: 734-764-0384; $69.00 per year for those over 60, or $600.00 for life membership. Benefits: http://alumni.umich.edu/learning/lifelong-learning

Eastern Michigan University: Main Switchboard Number:                     Campus Housing Number; Event Planning: 734-487-4108

Summer rates only: Single—$22.00 One night stay - $24.00; Double—$16.00 One night stay - $18.00; Residential (4 or more days required) - $15.00; Village Residence Hall—$50.00 per person, 4 guests per suite, (2 night minimum required) ; Availability is limited; Linen—$5.00 per person (optional); Includes two bed sheets, pillow with case, bath towel and washcloth; For more information on hosting a summer camp or conference, please contact Cathy Steiner at 734.487.4108 or csielicki at emich.edu

Concordia University (Near U of M): Main Switchboard Number:                     Campus Housing Number:

Kalamazoo Area: There are only two Colleges/universities that have on-campus housing: 

Western Michigan University (K-zoo): Main Switchboard Number:  269-387-1000

Campus Housing Number:  Western Michigan has no campus hoursing at all.

Kalamazoo College:  1200 Academy St., K-zoo. 4-year private collegee; phone: 269-337-7000; 

Created by admin. Last Modification: Sunday, May 17, 2015 01:37:48PM EDT by admin.