
Victor Hart

T. Henry Moray research associate:

There are those who reduce Moray's detector to an "atomic battery" (P. Brown). Victor Hart, a researcher who once worked with Dr. Moray, developed a special tube of his own. Witnessed by several credible witnesses, this tube resembles a Farnsworth Multipactor (Brown, Lindemann, Redfern). Cathodes are housed at opposed ends of the tube, the anode being a screen at the tube midpoint. The vessel is filled with helium and argon gases at low pressure. The target anode is a brass screen coated with a carnotite mixture (probably with caesium). (Ref.: http://johnbedini.net/john34/eternal_lanterns.htm )

Created by admin. Last Modification: Tuesday, July 31, 2018 12:07:11PM EDT by admin.