
Wilbert B. Smith

Wibert Brockhouse Smith was born at Lethbridge, in the Province of Alberta, Canada on the 17th of February, 1910. He exhibited early in life an eager interest in the nature of things. At the age of 15, he wrote a treatise dealing with the controversial concept of perpetual motion. He was also the author of several scientific novels. After having obtained his S. SC. And M. Sc. Degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Columbia in 1933 and 1934, he spent four years on the staff of radio station CJOR in ... (from his book, The New Science)

Researchers on Wilbert B. Smith:

Balaskas, Nick, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Isaac said he has a CD of Smith's papers; 

Bray, Arthur, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Canadian UFO researcher, was given Wilbert Smith's papers in 1962 for safe keeping by the Smith family. Bray held them for more than 20 years; 

Cameron, Grant, Manitoba, Canada: resercher on Wilbert Smith, has a large DVD of Smith's papers;

Joyce, Kathleen. The Creative Genius of Wilbert Smith. Energy Unlimited No. 1 (Jan. - March, 1978), pp 51-52; 

Michrowski, Andrew. He has some papers on Wilbert B. Smith;

Smith,  W. James  (son of Wilbert B. Smith), may still have som items at his home in Ottawa; 50 Oberon, Westclyffe Estates, Ottawa, ON, Canada  K2H 7X8

Smith, Wilbert B. The Boys from Topside, 1969

Smith, Wilbrt B. The New Science, 1964; 

University of Ottawa Archives: Has the papers of Wilbert B. Smith; I digitized many of those papers. See DCIM photos; 

Canadian researcher who was given Wilbert Smith's papers for safe keeping by the Smith family; 

Rex Research Notes: The New Science ~ Basic Concept, Quadrature Concept, Space, Field, Control & Percipitation sic] Fabrics, Basic Particle, Radiated Energy, Matter, Forces, Gravity; Q Concept; Principles & Technology of Other Races  Structure of Meaning, Rectilinear Concept, Relativity of Measurement, Basic Reality, Concept of Spin, Mechanism, Units, Distribution, Velocity, Tempic Field; Spin Fields, Simultaneity, Divergence, Curl & Gradient of Spin, Spin Centers, Scalar & Gradient.  Project Magnet ~ This formerly Top Secret Canadian document reveals the invention of a geo-magnetic "Free Energy" generator and the fundamentals of 1950s anti-G R&D. Gravity Control ~ Transcripts of letters & a presentation of Smith's devices and test results --- Includes circuit diagrams and graphs! Lots of never-before revealed technical details! Caduceus Coil, Binding Energy Meter. (See Rexresearch.com for more details)

Climont, Jen de: Worldwide List of Alternative Theories and Critics; Formerly: Directory of Disident Scientists

The new science Quadrature Concept to Reality : relationship of Awareness to Reality Three conventional Dimensions are the Space Fabric/ The Fourth Parameter is Change, reaches our awareness through our concept of Time/ Divergence is the Fifth Parameter//  Sixth Parameter is  vectorial quantity Curl, or Deviation// Field derivation of the Seventh Parameter  //Eighth parameter is that of Decision// The Ninth parameter, however, again establishes symmetry, and leads to a concept of Sequence// the Tenth Parameteris is Form// 11=  Multiplicity // 12 = Aggregation // that's all to built the universe integration of basic particles to form the larger units of matter, there is a slight advantage for the particles with the larger total electric charge

Grant Cameron's website:http://presidentialufo.com/old_site/top_secret_draft.htm

The existence of the Top Secret draft in the Wilbert Smith UFO files is part of the reason that the Canadian government was forced to declassify the Top Secret Memo held in their files.

Wilbert Smith left the draft in the files to give future researchers the truth of what had actually happened in the early days of government investigation into flying saucers. Dying of cancer, Smith made arrangement with his wife to hide the files so they would survive his death. "They will be coming to recover them," he told his wife Murl.

As Smith predicted, the Canadians, Americans, and Soviets approached Mrs. Smith requesting the files for research purposes. Mrs. Smith told all callers she no longer had the files. After a number of break-ins that might have been linked to the search for the files, the files were passed on to Arthur Bray, a local Ottawa researcher, who held them quietly for over two decades.



1.   World Science Database, detailed profile of this scientist: 


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