WISE Newsletter, Vol.1, No.7 (January 14, 2013) (Return Home page)
The 2012 Hong Kong International UFO Congress, held Nov. 17-18, 2012, was a Huge Success with World Record Attendance
by Dr. Albert So, Director, WISE - Hong Kong Branch
The successful inaugural International UFO Congress on Dec 10, 2010, lead the Hong Kong UFO Club (HKUFO) to run the second Hong Kong International UFO Congress November 17-18, 2012. With the support of Hong Kong Institute of Ufology (HKIOU) and World Institute for Scientific Exploration - Hong Kong Branch, the 2012 event was split up into two days: an introduction for laymen and an academic conference for researchers.
On Day 1, Nov 17, more than 1,300 attendants gathered at the “flying saucer conference hall” of Kowloon Bay International Trade and Exhibition Centre. The hall was filled to capacity and broke all attendance records for an event of this nature, which ran from 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Besides the local speakers, four honorary speakers were invited to give lectures at the Congress, namely Dr. Dominique Surel WISE Vice President, Mr. Paul Stonehill, a world wide renowned writer on Russian UFO events, Mr. Mike Horn, the official representative of the Billy Meier contactee case in North America, and Dr. Michael H.L. Fu, renowned ufologist from Taiwan who also worked at NASA.
On Day 2, a more academic and university styled conference, called “HK International UFO Congress PRO, was arranged mainly by WISE - Hong Kong, co-organized with HKIOU and HKUFO Club. “PRO”, of course, means professional, and this may be the first conference of this nature in Asia. Seven speakers were invited to present in the afternoon from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Since Day 1 was for laymen, instantaneous interpretation was arranged, while on Day 2, English was the official language used throughout. A formal proceedings, including papers from all seven speakers, were distributed to some 150 attendants.
Dr. Surel talked about the mechanism of the Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV) Protocol with case studies of seeking aliens by CRV. Dr. Fu talked about new Research & Development (R&D) being conducted by NASA for interplanetary or even inter-stellar journeys. Mr. Horn addressed solid proof of Billy Meier’s contactee cases. Mr. James Chu discussed advanced technology of M.T. Keshe regarding free energy physics and utilizations. Mr. Jack Wun talked about his year long research in stone monuments and their possible meaning to the mankind from aliens. Mr. Paul Stonehill discussed various investigations into USO (unidentified submerged object) phenomena by the Russians. Dr. Albert So, Director of WISE – Hong Kong, talked about the century long investigations into the famous Tunguska explosion by scientists within and outside Russia.
At the end of the conference, Dr. Surel conducted two one-day workshops on Controlled Remote Viewing that were both sold-out.
Overall, the 2012 Hong Kong International UFO Congress was a huge success, and clearly, with record breaking attendance, more and more people are becoming interested in the subjects covered by this Congress.