By Dr. Richard Blasband (Return to Table of Contents)
The 2013 WISE Conference on Syntropy, Life, Energy, and Resonance in Viterbo, Italy, was notable from several different points of view. One had the feeling that many of the presenters were at Viterbo, because they had finally found a place where they could tell others, who were neither “woo” nor “mechanists”, about their work, a venue that has been sorely missing from the plethora of conferences offered each year by the scientific establishment and anti-establishment. In other words the presenters appeared to belong to a whole different category of scientific investigation of man and nature, one that takes into account subjective experience, as well as, objective reality, giving the former its due place in science while not neglecting the latter. Indeed most presenters saw the alleged polar opposites of subjectivity and objectivity as either complimentary or identical at some common point-of –view.
I was pleased to see that of the 21 presentations, just about one-half of them showed data obtained by measurement, which in all cases involved the investigator’s use of subjective impression to apprehend the external world. In most cases this was via the use of dowsing rods and pendulum in investigations on a variety of experiments involving orgone energy or in the case of Dr. Surel’s presentation on controlled remote viewing, verifiable impressions. Indeed, this use of subjectivity in science is the opening crack in breaking through the armoring of contemporary science that maintains subjectivity and objectivity as polar opposites, rather than as a “functionally antithetical pair rooted in some common functioning principle” (Wilhelm Reich).
Prominent among these investigators, all of whom had deep and long experience in their disciplines, were Dr. John Caddy speaking on the Huna Philosophy and “Objective Observations”, Dr. Roger Taylor who spoke on Studies on “Life Energy” by means of a Quantitative Dowsing Method, Dr. Roberto Maglione, who spoke on Restoring Natural Atmospheric Pulsation in Northwestern Madagascar with the Reich Cloudbuster, Dr. Antonella Vannini, who spoke on The Intelligence of the Heart, Dr. Dominique Surel, who spoke on Controlled Remote Viewing-Transformational Experience, and Dominique’s and my presentation on our joint work involving radiesthesia (use of the pendulum) in detecting the quantity and quality of energy fields surrounding the Reich “cloudbuster” in field experiments in atmospheric energetic engineering.
Of course, of tremendous importance for further opening the crack in the armoring is the work of Dr. Ulisse di Corpo and Dr. Antonella Vannini . Ulisse and Antonella, who were the driving spirits behind the conference, spoke eloquently on Syntropy, a fundamental principle in nature that when finally apprehended by the scientific community will bring forth great changes in our understanding of every single domain of nature, bar none. Ulisse’s workshop on methodology and a deeper understanding of Syntropy was, with Dr. Surel’s workshop on CRV, well worth the price of admission to Viterbo, alone.
There were many strictly theoretical papers, some of which provided much real thought. Among these I include those of Alexndre Madurell and Lucilla Perego on The Consciental Paradigm; Dr. Philip Franses paper on The Paradox of Physics; Dr. Irina Zhuravleva on The Study of the Soul: the structure of the body and the soul; Dr. Peter Kohut, from Brookhaven National Laboratory, on The Unity Principle; Dr. Ki-Joon Hong on Social Resonance in Path Emergence, and the noted composer, Walter Branchi who led us in the deep appreciation of his environmentally resonant music played while we all reclined on the lawn of the inner court of the Domus.
I also enjoyed the seriousness and effort of the remaining, unmentioned speakers, who helped make this conference a truly remarkable beginning of annual meetings for WISE. We look forward to seeing them all again.